Regieleki is here in Pokemon GO for the first time ever in the form of Elite Raids. Today, we got to play Elite Raids in South Korea on an Island in Jeju, this was how it went.
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Jeju is a wonderful place! Have fun 🙂
i did two 5 pm raids, one of my friends met me there and there was a dad and his son had to ask them if they wanted a ride to the second gym which is one of the oddest things i’ve ever done. my first one i didn’t catch and the second one i did so glad to have it in the dex!
We coordinated on instagram and were actually able to coordinate 40+ ppl attacking 3 gyms in a row!
Was able catch 4 thankfully since they added the group chat on raids we were able get at least two lobby’s of people only if they added it sooner still was a fun experience just wish more people had the chance to catch
Light a flare everybody ignores nowhere close to the event to waste time to find the amount of people showed up. Energy waste
My friend code is 96117606349
My friend code is 961176606349
They need to do a do over