This will be a permanent feature going forward after March 25th in Pokemon go
Youtube handle @poke_ak
New merch logos
End song
ポケモンGO 動画まとめ ポケモンGO動画をまとめました
This will be a permanent feature going forward after March 25th in Pokemon go
Youtube handle @poke_ak
New merch logos
End song
Grunts are good for shiny cause it actually makes me go and win the Grunt rather than check it out
Good job niantic
I immideately got a shandow magnemite!!
Remember when your first 3 win spawn was a legendary after reaching rank 20? Pepperidge farm remembers
Shinys with rubbish stats. This game is just a waste of time.
Nice I found your channel in suggestions and this is some pleasant news. Take my sub