The Pokémon GO Shundo… what is the best way to get one? Shundos in Pokémon GO are probably the most sought-after thing you can get in the game. These Shiny Pokémon are VERY hard to get, but it is possible. Today we go over the best ways to get a Shundo in Pokémon GO!
#PokémonGO #Shundo #ShinyPokémon
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The only hundo I have ever gotten was a shadow teddiursa
Wish they have a way to trade reg raid passes to remote. All the gym by me our private property or highways so no way to sit at them
what’s more rare a shundo or a shiny 0%?
My most lucky day was one of the special research days, I got two hundred Maril from research and one was shiny. Only shundo I have
Does any boddy want to trade?
I love this part 5:31
By using pokemap & hundo check it’s 1/25 shando chance during comday
Think you forgot GBL encounters?!