This is not a video of Thundurus, but a video explaining how to move first Mewtwo.
*Past movies
【ポケモンGOバトルリーグ】ギラティナ絶対許さないマン/Never forgive Giratina in Master league【マスターリーグ】
【ポケモンGOバトルリーグ】APEX鳳凰×龍龍/APEX Ho-oh and 2 dragons in Master league【マスターリーグ】
*About misuchai
Japanese PokemonGO player Mystic TL50
started Go battle league from S7
and got legend rank S9,10
*Special thanks
icon and header design
#gobattleleague #gbl #pokemon #pokemongo #ポケモン #ポケモンgo #ブルンゲル #legend #jellicent