ポケモンGO 動画まとめ
How to Beat New Sierra Shadow LAPRAS Team in Pokemon GO
How to Beat New Sierra Shadow LAPRAS Team in Pokemon GO
【デオキシス3人討伐】 #デオキシス #ポケモンgo #ポケモン
おいおい!熱すぎるぞ!来月のレイドが超豪華!もう課金が止まらない!ラブトロスにイベルタルに!合体キュレムも【 ポケモンGO 】【 GOバトルリーグ 】【 GBL 】【 スーパーリーグ 】
ロケット団のSカビゴン強すぎでしょw #ポケモン #ポケモンgo
ついにホウオウデビューすっぞ!!!GOバトルウィークエンド!頼むぜ私のリト100ちゃん!!GOバトルリーグ生配信 マスターリーグ【ポケモンGO】
GBL配信1472回 できる限りGBL頑張ります!【ポケモンGO】
Per usual, this is just the first round of videos, preliminary (but what was bad was that all of today was reliant on Balloons, so I couldn’t choose which Leader I wanted to face at which time) experimental parties. I will have videos for each one of them in the coming days to address the battles from lower-level accounts to more optimized looks all-around. Thanks so much for understanding, and why not see how to beat Giovanni’s Suicune team here? –
You talk way too fast and don’t even explain what you’re talking about. “Use this unless this then use this but only if this” my head was spinning ugh.
When I got my shiny shadow lapras she had lapras lapras houndoom I used metagross 2x and a double move lucario
I guess i missed the help. Thank tho
Have a high attack Pokémon first, attack for few seconds then Swap in Swampert(mud shot and muddy water) and utilize the two second non attack windows can easily burn two shield immediately and chances to debuff opponents
Have a strong Pokémon first, attack for few seconds then Swam in Swampert(mud shot and muddy water) and utilize the two second non attack windows can easily burn two shield immediately.
Thanks. I smashed her Lapras, exeg, shiftry using with Gira-Alt and Scizor.
Try battling a whole freaking team of lapras
I can’t beat her at all she had 2 lapras this time guest my pokemon are to weak I try to use counter pokemon but her lapras always just plow through every of my pokemon
I used: 1-Machamp with Cross Chop – eliminates 2 shields quickly. 2-Machamp with Dynamic Punch – explodes 2 Lapras in a row. 3-Groudon with Fire Punch and Earthquake – 1 earthquake and goodbye Houndoon (or any stuff)